Essex Health and Justice
Chelmsford & Essex Centre, New London Road, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 OQHSimilar Support Services

Regent Quay Recovery
The Aberdeen Dispersed Residential Rehab offers a flexible and supportive recovery model, consisting of two core elements: our dayhab service, which provides structured recovery support, and our recovery housing, which offers stable, substance-free living for those needing additional housing assistance. This approach allows people to access comprehensive rehabilitation while maintaining the choice to stay in their own home or benefit from our housing services depending on their personal needs.The Scottish Government fully funds all placements through the Residential Rehabilitation Rapid Capacity Fund until March 2026This new dispersed residential service offers a drug and alcohol-free environment and structured support for men and women looking…

Essex Vulnerable Adults Service
A multi-agency and person-centred service working with neurodivergent adults at risk of explotationThe Vulnerable Adults Service was initiated by Adult Social Care in 2020, who were reporting increasing numbers of safeguarding concerns for adults with Autism and/or a Learning Disability and being exploited by gangs and/or other people. As a result,…

ENHANCED SUPPORT AND ACCESS TEAM (ESAT) – Gypsy, Roma & Travellers in Essex
Enhanced support for people and their families within the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities in Essex.A new service in partnership with the existing Essex Countywide Travellers’ Unit (ECTU) within Essex County Council (ECC) delivering enhanced support to people and their families within the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities in Essex. The service…