Download the New Oakwood Lodge community members guide here 

Virtual Tour of New Oakwood Lodge

The Programme: 

Community Members spend their first few weeks in what we call 'the welcome house’ stage while they settle into their new surroundings. They will then move through the phases for the rest of the programme, which lasts between 3 and 6 months. Community Members are responsible for the day-to-day running of the house and support each other throughout the programme with more senior Community Members becoming ‘buddies’ for newcomers. 

After completing treatment at the residential, people are supported to move on to our supported housing services or their own accommodation through a structured discharge and aftercare support programme.

Our structured group programme may include a focus on personal and behavioural development interventions, relapse prevention, harm reduction, peer-led groups and meetings, gender support, social and community activities, mutual aid and employability.

Gender-specific support is available throughout the programme. 

Progress reports and meetings can be provided to ‘family/significant others in agreement with the Community Members.

We provide a 3 to 6-month programme personalised to each person’s need. To experience the entire benefits of the programme, 6 months is recommended. 

Collage of people and rooms at Newoak wood lodge residential


  • Accommodation for up to 38 residents in single occupancy rooms with ensuite bathrooms, with separate male and female accommodation.
  • Accessible rooms with ensuite wet rooms.
  • Fully equipped on-site fitness suite 
  • On-site leisure activities include a pool table, board games and books. TV/DVD and stereo equipment are available in the Lounge Room.
  • Off and on-site activities may include: yoga and massage, five-a-side-football, gardening, reduced-cost fitness classes, art classes, and regular off-site activities.
  • Over 3 acres of mature garden space 
  • Senior move-on accommodation on-site

Morley Road, Oakwood, Derby, DE21 4TB

How to Refer:

Please contact us by email or call us on 01332 653761


Evidence of Effectiveness:

A review of the international evidence for Residential Treatment Services shows that there is a strong and consistent evidence base supportive of the benefits of residential treatment that derives both from treatment outcome studies and randomised trials. To read a review of the evidence by Sheffield Hallam University's Helena Kennedy Centre for International Justice click here.

Collection of autum themed images form derby, the leafy garder and inside the house