Virtual Tour of Ophelia House

Download The Ophelia House Service Guide Here

A safe haven for women

Collage of derby images, community members and bedrooms, windows


  • Accommodation for up to 22 residents in single rooms with ensuite bathrooms 
  • Accessible bedrooms rooms with ensuite wet rooms – please speak to us about your specific accessibility needs
  • Senior move-on accommodation on-site
  • Large, fully equipped kitchen and dining area
  • Purpose-built group space 
  • On-site leisure activities may include art therapy, yoga, cooking & baking, board games and books. TV/DVD and stereo equipment are available in the Lounge Room.
  • Off-site activities may include hiking, access to local leisure centres and activities, and art classes.
  • Large mature garden space for outdoor activities and our Recovery Through Nature programme

Evidence of Effectiveness

A review of the international evidence for Residential Treatment Services shows that there is a strong and consistent evidence base supportive of the benefits of residential treatment that derives both from treatment outcome studies and randomised trials. To read a review of the evidence by Sheffield Hallam University's Helena Kennedy Centre for International Justice, click here.

collarge pictures of ophelia house including 3 women, 2 in the garden

How to refer:

Community Members can be referred through their local authority. We also take self-funded placements. Please get in touch with the service by emailing


Please get in touch to find out more about detox options.

We are committed to treating our staff, clients, their families and carers equitably, free from discrimination and ensuring dignity and respect for all.

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Be Aware of ‘Rehab Brokers’ 

When seeking a rehab placement you may come across ‘Rehab Brokers’ these are intermediaries who often advertise online and claim to offer support and guidance to access residential treatment. They make money by receiving a fee from providers to refer to them.  Phoenix do not use brokers and encourage people to speak directly to their community treatment provider or local residential treatment providers to avoid unnecessary costs for people using services and for providers themselves.