Residential Services
Phoenix Futures Scotland’s residential service offers a drug and alcohol-free environment and structured support for men and women looking to address their problematic drug or alcohol use. The service is recently refurbished and wheelchair accessible. Our team of drug and alcohol workers provide personalised support through one-to-ones, group and alternative therapies; following the Therapeutic Community model of treatment.
Residents spend their first few weeks in a separate Welcome House while they settle into their new surroundings and then move into the main house for the rest of the programme, which lasts between 3 and 6 months. The service offers 31 modern, single ensuite rooms, gardens and large open social spaces.

Supported Housing
Our Glasgow Supported Housing provides safe and secure move-on accommodation for residents leaving our Scottish Residential service and other residential support services such as rehabs and prison. The service allows residents to resettle in Glasgow and continue to build on the skills they learnt in the residential service.
While living in supported housing, residents are encouraged to gain volunteering opportunities, life skills, learn to manage own finances and to find move-on accommodation. The service includes recovery support and residents can benefit from ongoing psychosocial group interventions to promote personal development as well as social events and activities. The housing service offers 16 placements across 10 flats in a corner tenement building. Residents benefit from staff based at the service as well as 24/7 on-call management.

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Community Services
In Fife we deliver our Communities of Recovery Peer Mentor service and Recovery through Nature programme. We work across the Fife area supporting individuals who are affected by their drug and alcohol use by bringing individuals from across the community together to realise their potential through building positive support networks.
We offer a wide range of services by delivering a timetable of activities across the Fife area. This includes mentoring and mentee support, training and employment opportunities, Recovery Cafes and social events, psychosocial group interventions and Recovery Through Nature.
We also support individuals being released from prison into the Fife area. We provide the Scottish Prison Service with peer mentor training within HMP Perth and support Fife residents in custody to ensure they gain pre and post liberation support.

What the people that use our services say
‘The people in the groups are so nice and non-judgmental. I can relate so much to what they say and how they feel. Before I would have said this isn’t for me but it has helped so much. I have met so many lovely people. It’s a community and a good community.’
Stuart, Communities of Recovery, Fife
North Lanarkshire
In North Lanarkshire we have a passionate and experienced team who support individuals and families who are affected by drug and alcohol use. We work across the 6 localities of North Lanarkshire. We provide support from our base in Coatbridge and also in Airdrie, Bellshill, Cumbernauld, Motherwell and Wishaw.
We support individuals and families to overcome any barriers they may face and help to reduce social isolation. We promote recovery and challenge stigma. We believe in showing people that not only is recovery possible, it is happening everyday across North Lanarkshire.
We offer a wide range of services to help provide support. These include 1:1 and groupwork, Peer Mentoring, CBT Counselling, Recovery Through Nature, Family Support and general advice and signposting.
We also provide support for individuals being released from prison into the North Lanarkshire area. Prisoners are supported pre and post liberation and referred and supported into a range of community services that suit their needs.