Adopt a Station
Adopt-a-station is a Scotrail project which supports people who use our services to connect with the wider community and bring positive change to the railway stations at Anniesland, Dunfermline Town and Queen Street. It is based on our Recovery through Nature programme which connects people using our services with nature to aid in their recovery. Participants work as a team on practical conservation projects in settings across England and Scotland. This is not only beneficial for their personal fulfilment but will also support new skills for future employment. The team enhanced the look of the stations by clearing the surrounding areas making them more accessible. The team have planted seeds, flowers and plants that will absorb Co2 and pollution and create a new habitat for the wildlife by promoting biodiversity.

Food Growing initiative
Over the last year Phoenix Futures have been working hard to be sustainable and as part of this the Scottish Residential set up a food growing initiative to empower the residents to grow their own food in the residential gardens. Fruits and vegetables are grown from seed and cooked at the residential by the service users.

Together Project / Recovery through the Arts
At Phoenix we strongly believe that exploring our creative side can help unlock the power of self-reflection and communication. Thanks to our partnerships we are able to provide a wide range of arts-based activities. Move On is a weekly creative writing session for our service users to express themselves through short stories and poetry.
The Together Project is drama and music group which gives our community members the opportunity to perform on stage in front of an audience. Recovery Through the Arts also runs regular art therapy, music and photograph sessions for people who use our services to express themselves, share their life experiences and overcome their traumas in a safe and creative setting.

Peer Mentoring North Lanarkshire
Our North Lanarkshire Building Futures service delivers a volunteer-led peer mentoring support programme. Our volunteer peer mentors have direct or indirect experience of recovery and use this to support and encourage others who are starting their recovery journey through one-to-one and group sessions. Our volunteer peer mentors are provided with training and support, and are PVG checked.

What Our Volunteers Say:
"I have been able to give back to the service that helped me so much. I help to support others but in doing that I receive growth in return."
Sarah, Volunteer Peer Mentor, North Lanarkshire
Peer Mentoring Fife
The Fife Peer Mentor Service recruits mentors who are stable in their recovery journey and looking to support individuals who are struggling with substance misuse. Mentors are allocated a mentee who they support on a one-to-one basis in a variety of settings. The mentors encourage and support mentees to attend necessary appointments and social activities. Mentors have the opportunity to participate in a variety of internal and external training. Mentees, depending on stability, also have the opportunity to progress to the mentor role.
The project runs several recovery cafes throughout Fife. Mentors and mentees attend these cafes to reduce isolation and build friendships with other people in recovery. There is a range of activities within the cafes such as art therapy, cooking and training.
The service also run a peer mentor training programme within SPS. Mentors have the opportunity to train alongside prisoners within HMP Perth and also attend recovery cafes within the prisons across SPS establishments.

Find a recovery support service in Scotland
Recovery Through Nature North Lanarkshire
Our North Lanarkshire service delivers a Recovery through Nature (RtN) programme in partnership with North Lanarkshire Council at the Summerlee Heritage Park in Coatbridge. Staff and people using our services help to maintain this historical site which is situated on the Victorian Summerlee Iron Works. Recovery through Nature connects people using our service with nature to aid their recovery and to work as part of a team on practical conservation projects. Together with North Lanarkshire Council, we help to restore natural areas of beauty, maintain historical sites and rebuild confidence in people using our services.

Family Support North Lanarkshire
Our service provides confidential support to families and loved ones affected by someone else’s drug or alcohol use in a one-to-one or group setting. Our staff have been trained in various techniques proven to help families and loved ones improve their lives and help their loved one engage in treatment. Our Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT) can provide families with the tools to cope with their loved one’s behaviors, and support them to engage in treatment.
We facilitate a Family Support Group which meets every Thursday evening in our Coatbridge office, It's open to everyone in North Lanarkshire. Our Family Support Group provides invaluable peer support to individuals affected by their loved ones drinking or drug use. From attending the group family members report feeling less alone and gain confidence in coping with their loved one’s behavior.

"I have found that sharing my experience in The Family Support Group means I am no longer alone. You cannot do it alone and that is why Phoenix is here. I’ve tried yelling and shouting and it does not work. I have changed the way I have spoken and treated him and it really does make a difference"
North Lanarkshire, Family Support Group Member

"We feel better for having attended the group. It is a safe and confidential place to talk, to get worries and hopes out. Being able to talk in a safe place helps relieve your stress. There is no judgement only real empathy and attempts at understanding."
Jamie, Family Support Group Member